A basic network inventory is just a list of all of the network devices that you own and operate. A network inventory should also detail important information about each device such as its make, model, and firmware version.

Here is our list of the six best network inventory tools:

  • SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager EDITOR’S CHOICE This tool automatically discovers every device on your network and creates an asset list that is constantly updated. The utility enables you to create an optimized setup for each device and then prevent those settings from being altered. Download a 30-day free trial.
  • Site24x7 Network Monitor (FREE TRIAL) A combination of network device monitoring and traffic analysis that is delivered from the cloud. You can start with a 30-day free trial.
  • Atera (FREE TRIAL) A cloud-based platform that supports managed service providers and includes an asset discovery system. Access a 30-day free trial.
  • ManageEngine RMM Central (FREE TRIAL) A remote monitoring and management package is designed for use by MSPs and will scan a client’s network to create a hardware inventory. Runs on Windows Server, AWS, and Azure. Start 30-day free trial.
  • Paessler PRTG An infrastructure monitoring service that automatically logs all equipment in an asset inventory. It installs on Windows Server.
  • Datadog Infrastructure A cloud-based IT infrastructure monitoring system that includes an inventory management service.

Network inventory management

The network inventory is the basis for network monitoring. However, network inventory management is a goal in itself. Network devices are fixed assets that need to be amortized in the company accounts. Each device has an expected service life and the cost of acquiring it is allocated to the accounts over a number of years.

The standard accounting practices of fixed asset management give the network manager an expected service life for each device. This factor needs to be recorded in the network device inventory and provides a goal for the efficient operations of the device. That is, you are expected to keep that device in service for a specified number of years, so if it breaks before it’s expected life is up, you either need to get it repaired or justify its replacement.

Inventory management can be eased through leases instead of purchases and maintenance contracts that cover the expected service life of each device. All of these contracts and expectations need to be recorded as part of network inventory management. You also need to put in place plans for replacements to existing devices. A large business can establish a supply agreement with one vendor, gaining discounts and simplifying management by having a single firmware to deal with.

Network inventory maintenance

Once you have a record of the make, model, and location of each device on your network, you are in a better position to watch over your infrastructure and keep it available and efficient.

Device security is another network inventory maintenance issue. Your network won’t be any use if a device gets crippled by inefficient settings. So, you need to optimize the configuration of each device and then ensure that no one can alter those settings. So, network device configuration management becomes an important part of network inventory management.

The best network inventory tools

When looking for the best inventory tools, we focused on those utilities that perform all inventory management tasks or do an excellent job of covering one aspect of the discipline. In all cases, you will need to be able to extract data from the utility for use by other departments and also feed data from other sources.

We kept these selection criteria in mind while looking for good network asset management systems and also made sure to include systems that run on Windows and Linux or are offered as SaaS platforms.

Our methodology for selecting network inventory software

We reviewed the market for network inventory tools and analyzed the options based on the following criteria:

  • A service that can automatically discover all assets connected to the network
  • Scans to gather system data from each device
  • A live monitor of device statuses and availability
  • Controls to prevent unauthorized changes to device settings
  • Options for monitoring across a network or over the internet
  • A no-cost assessment period offered by a free trial or demo system
  • A service that offers value for money by giving good controls at a fair price

1. SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (FREE TRIAL)

SolarWinds produces a number of monitoring tools that create a network inventory. However, the Network Configuration Manager provides the most comprehensive inventory management functions of the entire SolarWinds’ stable.

Key features:

  • Automatic device discovery
  • Takes an image of device settings
  • Lets you set a standard configuration for each device make and model
  • Stops images
  • Automatically erases unauthorized configuration changes

The Network Configuration Manager includes an autodiscovery feature. This searches the network for all connected devices and logs them into a database. This gives you the network inventory that you need.

The network configuration manager is particularly needed to standardize the settings of all network devices, so the creation of the device inventory is just the first phase of this tool’s activities. The autodiscovery function is not a one-off task because the process runs recursively and will spot and document any changes in the network’s infrastructure.

The device inventory lists the purpose, make, and model of each device. It also tracks the firmware version. It is likely that you will have multiple instances of the same model on your network. In these cases, you need to set up just one of those to have the ideal configuration that strengthens security and optimizes performance.

The Network Configuration Manager takes an image of that perfect device setup and gives you the opportunity of automatically applying those settings to all devices of the same type that are currently operating on the network. This image will also be applied to any new devices of the same model that you add to the network.

A big security feature of the Network Configuration Manager is that it keeps track of each device and spots changes to its settings. When this occurs, the tool immediately restores the authorized settings. Reasons for unexpected changes are accidental alterations or hacker activity that seeks to weaken the defenses of the network. The Network Configuration Manager raises an alert whenever an unauthorized change occurs. This allows the network manager to investigate the source of the alteration and launch a search for an intruder.

Reports from the Network Configuration Manager help you to keep other departments, such as the company accountant, informed of the asset inventory. These reports can extract data in a digital format and also in a CSV layout that is easy to import into a spreadsheet.

Details recorded in the inventory include the device’s physical location and its connections through to other devices. Service life expectancy can be loaded into the Network Configuration Manager, which takes care of all of the capacity planning and inventory tracking tasks of a network manager.

SolarWinds builds its key tools on a common platform, called Orion. This makes the interaction between modules much easier. The software installs on Windows Server and SolarWinds offers the Network Configuration Manager for a 30-day free trial.


  • Built for medium to enterprise size networks, with features designed to streamline troubleshooting and improve TTR and overall productivity
  • Can automatically discover new devices on the network and provide templated health reports for immediate insights upon installation
  • Offers configuration management, allowing teams to quickly backup and restore changes that may have impacted performance
  • Can monitor settings for unauthorized changes and specific teams or managers
  • Offers a customizable dashboard that has a host of different options for visualizing network performance


  • Not designed for home networks, this is an enterprise tool built for system administrators and network technicians

2. Site24x7 Network Monitor (FREE TRIAL)


SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager is our top choice for network inventory because it automatically logs all network devices and keeps that list updated. You don’t have to worry about keeping tabs on which devices are up for renewal because the Network Configuration Manager can do that too. The Network Configuration Manager helps you to standardize the settings of each of your network devices and then prevents those configurations from being tampered with.

Start 30-day Free Trial: solarwinds.com/network-configuration-manager/

OS: Windows Server

Site24x7 Network Monitor is part of a cloud platform of system monitoring tools. This network monitoring service is not offered as a standalone package but forms part of all of the Site24x7 plans. It combines network performance monitoring with traffic analysis.

  • SaaS platform
  • Continuously repeated autodiscovery
  • Logs all connected devices with capacity information
  • Tracks device age and service life

The network performance monitoring service of this tool uses SNMP procedures to broadcast requests for status reports from network devices. All network devices are shipped with an SNMP agent pre-installed. This constantly checks the device it runs on and compiles a Management Information Base (MIB) and sends it out whenever requested.

Apart from delivering important status information, the MIBs that the Site24x7 monitor receives back in response to its request tell Site24x7 exactly what devices are out there on the network and how they connect together. The MIB contains a large amount of attribute data about each device and the Site24x7 Network Monitor extracts this to compile a network inventory.

The Site24x7 Network Monitor console includes a network topology mapper. This generates a new map of the network, based on information from the network inventory, every time that it is accessed.

If devices are added to the network, moved, or removed, the MIBs that the Network Monitor receives back will be different. It notices this and updates the network inventory accordingly. That means that the next time the Network Topology Map is accessed it will show the new layout of the network.

Site24x7 offers subscription plans. These are: Website Monitoring, Site24x7 Infrastructure, Application Performance Monitor, All-in-one, and MSP. All of these are available for a 30-day free trial and they all include the network monitor. For example, you can try out Site24x7 free for 30-days and test the Network Monitor’s automatic inventory service for yourself.

  • One of the most holistic monitoring tools available, supporting networks, infrastructure, and real user monitoring in a single platform

  • Uses real-time data to discover devices and build charts, network maps, and inventory reports

  • Is one of the most user-friendly network monitoring tools available

  • User monitoring can help bridge the gap between technical issues, user behavior, and business metrics

  • Supports a freeware version for testing

  • Is a very detailed platform that will require time to fully learn all of its features and options

Site24x7 Network Monitor Start 30-day FREE Trial


Atera is a complete package of all of the software that a Managed Service Provider (MSP) needs in order to operate. These tools are divided into two sections: a Remote Monitoring and Management module (RMM), which provides all of the tools that technicians need in order to manage a client’s system. It also includes a professional services automation module (PSA), which supports the managers of the MSP.

  • Designed for use by managed service providers
  • Monitors systems remotely
  • Covers multiple networks simultaneously

The RMM section of Atera includes a network asset discovery service. This system creates a network inventory automatically and updates it whenever a client’s network changes. This tool is especially important for MSPs. Some MSPs charge for their services per item and so need a definitive asset inventory to produce an invoice. Should the client add a device, the MSP can see straightaway and record the date and time the device was added.

Keeping track of device performance is also an important angle for MSPs. A network that is overloaded needs new devices added to it and the system manager also needs to be aware of when devices need to be retired. This knowledge provides up-sell opportunities to contracts managers, who can offer provision services to the client.

Atera is a cloud-based service and its dashboard can be accessed from anywhere through a standard web browser. The monitoring functions of the service are not limited to one specific site. This is a subscription service and is changed per technician per month and packages start a $99 per month when charged annually. You can get a 30-day free trial of Atera.

  • Minimalistic interface makes it easy to view the metrics that matter most

  • Flexible pricing model makes it a viable option for small businesses

  • Includes multiple PSA features, great for help-desk teams and growing MSPs

  • Can track SLAs and includes a time tracking option for maintenance tasks

  • Lacks automated remediation features found in similar tools

  • The ticketing system can be confusing to set up, better out of the box templates would be a nice addition

  • Lacks Azure AD support/integration

Atera Start 30-day FREE Trial

4. ManageEngine RMM Central (FREE TRIAL)

ManageEngine RMM Central is designed for use by managed service providers. It is a package of remote monitoring and management systems and it includes a network scanner that identifies each connected device and logs it in a network inventory. The hardware asset inventory includes endpoints as well as network devices. Each endpoint is scanned to produce a software inventory. This is used for a software license management system and an automated patch manager.

  • Network discovery
  • Hardware asset inventory
  • Software inventory

The software management service in the RMM Central system allows an administrator to create a package of standard software packages for use for specific user categories. This package can be installed en masse on a device for onboarding. A mobile device management service has a similar function. That module also offers mobile content management and security services that include tracking, locking, and wiping. User-owned devices can be given access to corporate resources through a containerized portal that prevents company data from touching the device’s operating system.

Technician tools in the RMM Central package provide remote access for endpoint exploration and maintenance. There is also a remote control service that provides a channel for user support. Endpoint communication tools offer a secure file transfer system that can be used to implement automated workflows.

ManageEngine RMM Central can be installed on AWS or Azure but it isn’t a SaaS package – you have to maintain the software yourself. You can also download the system onto Windows Server. ManageEngine offers RMM Central on a 30-day free trial.

  • Technician remote access tools for endpoint management

  • Network performance monitoring with alerts

  • Multi-tenant architecture for use by MSPs

  • Not a SaaS package

ManageEngine RMM Central Start 30-day FREE Trial

5. Paessler PRTG

Paessler PRTG is a complete infrastructure monitoring tool because it covers networks, servers, and applications. The system includes an autodiscovery tool, which creates a network inventory of all devices currently active on the network.

  • Monitors network servers, and applications
  • Includes a constant autodiscovery service
  • Tracks device performance

PRTG uses the network inventory as the basis for a network topology diagram. This service is dynamic, as is the asset logging routine. Both the network inventory and topology map get updated automatically when any infrastructure changes occur.

One big weakness in the PRTG system is that is purely a monitoring system and does not include network management functions, such as configuration management.

The dashboard of PRTG is customizable, so each network manager can collect all asset information that is important on one screen. The tool is able to track devices over several sites, enabling the centralization of asset management.

PRTG installs on Windows Server and Paessler makes it available on a 30-day free trial.

  • Uses a combination of packet sniffing, WMI, and SNMP to report network performance as well as discover new devices

  • Autodiscovery reflects the latest inventory changes almost instantaneously

  • Drag and drop editor makes it easy to build custom views and reports

  • Supports a wide range of alert mediums such as SMS, email, and third-party integrations into platforms like Slack

  • Each sensor is specifically designed to monitor each application, for example, there are prebuilt sensors whose specific purpose is to capture and monitor VoIP activity

  • Supports a freeware version

  • Is a very comprehensive platform with many features and moving parts that require time to learn

6. Datadog Infrastructure

Datadog is a cloud-based IT support service that includes monitoring and management modules for networks, servers, and applications. The Datadog Infrastructure service watches over all of the physical assets run by an IT department.

  • Discovers devices and scans for installed software
  • Links applications to services and server resources
  • Alerts on system problems

As it is a remote-based service, Datadog isn’t limited to one location and can unify the management of infrastructure on many sites. The system requires an agent to be installed on each site for network monitoring. This agent will detect all network devices and other equipment connected to the network and create an asset inventory from those discoveries. The inventory is updated automatically and it also provides the basis for a network topology map.

Datadog Infrastructure is a subscription service and is charged per host per month. There is a Free version of the system and two paid plans called Pro and Enterprise. The paid services include more features than the free versions, although all versions include network discovery. You can get a 14-day free trial of the Pro and Enterprise plans.

  • Has one of the most intuitive interfaces among other network monitoring tools

  • Cloud-based SaaS product allows monitoring with no server deployments or onboarding costs

  • Can monitor both internally and externally giving network admins a holistic view of network performance and accessibility

  • Supports auto-discovery that builds network topology maps on the fly

  • Changes made to the network are reflected in near real-time

  • Allows businesses to scale their monitoring efforts reliably through flexible pricing options

  • Would like to see a longer trial period for testing

Choosing a network inventory tool

You need to get a list of all the devices running your network, you need to know what each is, who supplied it and what firmware version it has. You also need to make sure it is optimized and secure and you need to plan for its replacement at the end of its service life.

There are very few tools available that cover every aspect of network inventory management. You might choose to use several tools to get the best service for each aspect of inventory management. The task certainly requires input from other departments, such as accounting and purchasing managers in your business.