Mobile app developing is a tough task and testing these apps over different platforms is one of the most complicated steps. Mobile app organizations pay a hefty amount to the testing teams accompanied with a big chunk of time. The major time and money consumption takes place when the developed app is a cross-platform rather than a single platform. What makes these apps more cumbersome at testing is the constant change in technology like hardware, chipset or OS versions. In situations like these, it is always better to get a generic automated tool for testing that can save the time and resources.

Today, we’re going to elaborate the 5 best open source mobile test automation tools that should help you test your mobile applications with minimum efforts:

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1. Appium:

Appium is one of the most trusted testing tool that supports Android 2.3 and above. It utilizes UI Automator and WebDriver libraries, supporting Java, C#, Ruby and other available in library. Appium is compatible with JSON wire protocol and is capable of running tests across multiple devices.

2. Selendroid:

Selendroid is among the best open source mobile test automation tools that drive off UI of Android native and hybrid apps. It supports hot plugging of hardware along with the compatibility with JSON WP. Selendroid has a built in Inspector that analyzes and simplifies the test. It also has the capability to communicate with multiple Android devices at once.

3. Robotium:

Robotium is an easy to use testing tool that supports Android 1.6 and above versions. It is capable of managing multiple Android routines automatically and supporting Java. Although, it may not provide you with the recording and playing functions or any screenshot of the testing. However, it is fast when it comes to writing the solid test cases.

4. Monkey Talk:

Monkey Talk has a range of supported tests from basic to advanced. The tool is capable of recording and playing the test scripts for cross platform applications. Monkey Talk is a very talked about testing framework tool that delivers high productivity in lesser time. Moreover, it is among the most highly used mobile test automation tools for iOS, Adobe Flex apps and Android.

5. Keep It Functional:

If you’re looking for an iOS specific testing tool, Keep It Functional is there to help you with an active and sound open source community. The tools support Swift and Objective C language to help you explore the designed app. Keep It Functional easily writes the tests in the same language as the code with almost no external dependencies.

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Taking everything into account, it is important to choose the best open source mobile test automation tool to avoid the unnecessary expense and time. You must consider the platform that you want to use for your developing apps and then choose the testing tool. Above are the tested and verified test automation tools that you can give a kick to and buy more time to research for development.

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