What is a 3D Scatter Plot Chart in Excel?

A scatter plot chart is often referred to as the XY chart in Excel because of the two kinds of data related to each other. We will have two data sets; those numbers are not just numbers. Instead, they will have a relationship between the two. To show those two sets of numbers graphically in Excel, we have a chart called “Scatter Chart in ExcelScatter Chart In ExcelScatter plot in excel is a two dimensional type of chart to represent data, it has various names such XY chart or Scatter diagram in excel, in this chart we have two sets of data on X and Y axis who are co-related to each other, this chart is mostly used in co-relation studies and regression studies of data.read more,” This article will show you how to create a 3D scattered plot chart in Excel.

For example, a company’s advertising expenses and income incurred from the advertising. Both (advertising expenses and income) values are placed in two separate columns to create a scatter plot. It would plot the column on the left on the X-axis and the right on the Y-axis. It will help you know whether the data is positively/negatively correlated and how much they correlate.

Where to Find the 3D Scatter Plot in Excel?

A Scatter plot in excel is an in-built chart located under the Insert ribbon tab in ExcelInsert Ribbon Tab In ExcelRibbons in Excel 2016 are designed to help you easily locate the command you want to use. Ribbons are organized into logical groups called Tabs, each of which has its own set of functions.read more.

Go to Insert > Chart > Scatter Chart

How to Create 3D Scatter Plot in Excel? (with Example)

We need corresponding data to create a scatter plot XY chart in Excel. So, I have made the below data, which has a relationship between the two.

Here, we have two sets of data every month. The first is “Campaigns Sent” and “Revenue” earned in the same month.

These two data sets reacted to each other because marketing campaigns play a significant role in earning revenue, so our data has several campaigns sent and revenue made from those campaigns in the month.

Now that our 3D scatter plot is ready in Excel. Let us interpret the numbers from this chart. The first bubble represents the month of January. This month, the campaign sent was 2, and the revenue generated was $2,096. The second one is in February. Now, we can see a slight impact of the campaign on revenue here. In February, the total campaign sent was just 1, and revenue was $2,008.

  • Select the data, go to the “Insert” tab, and choose “Scatter Chart.” Now, we will have the first look at the chart below. It is not a ready chart straightforward. Therefore, we need to make some settings with this chart. First, we must right-click on the chart and choose the “Select Data” option. In the below window, select the “Campaigns Sent” column and hit the “Remove” option. Select the “Revenue” column in the same window and click “Edit.” In the below window for “Series X Values,” choose “Campaigns Sent” data. We get the following graph look. Now, click on a bubble to select and press Ctrl + 1 to open the “Format Data Series” dialog box to the right of the chart. Click on “Effects” and “3-D Format.” Under “3-D Format”, select circle, and type Top Bevel. Now go to “Fill” and “Line” and choose “Marker”. Under the option of “Marker,” choose “Vary Colours by Point.” It will add different kinds of colors to each bubble. Then in the same option, go to Marker Options > Built-in, and the Size = 25. Now, every bubble increases in size and has different colors. Now, select the chart. We will see the plus icon to the right of the chart. It will open up “Chart Elements.” Next, click on “Axis Titles.” Now, we can see both a horizontal and vertical axis. In addition, we can see the “Axis Title” default value. Type the vertical axis text as “Revenue” on the vertical axis. On the horizontal axis, type the text as “Campaigns.” Change the chart heading to Campaigns vs. Revenue.

Now, look at the third bubble for March month. This month’s total campaign sent number is 8, and revenue increased to $4,025. This chart shows a relationship between campaigns sent and revenue generated.

So, the bottom lineBottom LineThe bottom line refers to the net earnings or profit a company generates from its business operations in a particular accounting period that appears at the end of the income statement. A company adopts strategies to reduce costs or raise income to improve its bottom line. read more is that when the number of campaigns sent increases, revenue generation also increases.

Things to Remember

  • The 3D scatter plot chart in Excel is mainly used to show the relationship between two sets of data related to each other.The scattered chart has X and Y variables.This chart helps show related data like rainfall vs. umbrellas sold, rainfall vs. crops sold, and advertisement vs. revenue.

This article is a guide to 3D Scatter Plot in Excel. Here, we discuss a 3D scatter plot chart in Excel (XY Chart) with examples and a downloadable template. You may learn more about Excel from the following articles: –

  • Box Plot in Excel3D Plot in ExcelOrganization Chart in ExcelControl Charts in Excel